Coaching has been a part of elite sports since the start, but executive coaching has taken time to be recognised…
Lee Eldridge
The lonely leader. Feeling lonely can be part of being a leader. In part one, I talked about the importance…
Having spoken to many business leaders and executives over the last six months, it’s clear that leadership is a lonely…
Think Energy Management Not Time Management Having spoken to and spoken regularly with business leaders and founders, time management is…
The most important tool we have for recovery is sleep. You need sleep if you want to become a great…
When Was The Last Time You Watched Peak Performance? Have you ever been watching a sports team, and you can…
Goal Setting Is Always Discussed At The Start Of January – New Year, New You, Etc. But Let’s Be Fair,…
If your goal is to become an inspirational leader and CEO, you need to sustain high performance and optimise your…
Close your eyes, and imagine you are a professional athlete or sportsperson heading into training. What do you think that…
I am sure that most people will have heard of the term flow, flow state and its links with peak…